Delete (TV show): Information and opinions

We present Delete: It’s about a TV show that has been released the year 2013 that appears with a first season generating many different opinions. The title of the original version of the TV series is exactly identical to the version in USA and UK, ‘Delete’.


It’s obviously convoluted, like everything, to catalogue TV shows or films, but there has been selected several genres to classify it: Science-Fiction, Action, Adventure, Drama, Mystery, Thriller.

Enough of preliminaries, we give you the synopsis, the opnions of our readers and everything you’e looking for Delete that has nothing less than a de 5.6 on the reputed IMDB .

Delete (TV show): Synopsis

Here you have the argument:

Delete imagines a disaster in our all-too-fragile digital world where all computers could become dangerously self-aware with one systematic purpose–to destroy mankind. Faced with possible extinction, there is only one way out–create a second artificial intelligence, just as alive, just as intelligent and just as dangerous.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this story stand out great actors as for example: Keir Gilchrist, Erin Karpluk, Ryan Robbins and Gil Bellows.

Playing our protagonist (Daniel Gerson) we’ve Keir Gilchrist.
Then we’ve more actors very close to the protagonist, such as: Erin Karpluk and Ryan Robbins, in the role of Jesse White and Max Hollis respectively. They will for sure trick you! Finally, enjoy with the wonderful actors Gil Bellows, Seth Green, Matt Freweracting as Lt. General Michael Overson, Lucifer, Arthur Bowden.

Opinions and critics of the TV show Delete

Daniel, that his only hobby is watching series, tells us:

Good evening everyone, my congratulations really for everything, I’ve been in since relatively recently. I have to confess that, right now, I have hardly seen anything but it seemsvery good, I certainly say so.

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    Questions of Delete that we have received

    Daphne, who is 22 years old, tells us:

    Good afternoon FS, my congratulations for always being there, I’ve been writing to you not long ago. I would like to know series that premiere a new season. Will this show come back for another season?

    Daphne, who is 26 years old, asks FiebreSeries:

    Good evening FiebreSeries, my sincere thanks for everything, I’ve been on the web for a long time. Do you have any suggestions of TV shows that are similar of Delete. Will one last season have a new season?

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