Starlings (TV series): Info, opinions and more

We present Starlings: This is a series from the year 2012 that is already in its season 2 and continues to be a benchmark of the genre. The title in the OV of the TV series is exactly the same as the one in English, ‘Starlings’.


Although it’s always risky, like everything, to catalogue TV series or films, but we’ve the following genres for it: Drama, Comedy.

Without further ado, we present the synopsis, the opnions of our readers and everything you’e looking for Starlings that has nothing less than the note of de 7.2 on the prestigious IMDB page.

Starlings series: Synopsis

We present the synopsis:

Starlings is a British comedy-drama written by Steve Edge and Matt King who also play the roles of Fergie and Uncle Loz. It is one of the few new television comedy series that has been commissioned and aired on Sky1.

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Actors and characters

In this series appear very good actors as for example: Rebecca Night, Matt King or Brendan Coyle.

Playing our protagonist (desconocido) we’ve Rebecca Night.
Then there are other actors that appear a lot, like: Matt King and Brendan Coyle, in the role of desconocido and desconocido respectively. They’ll trick you! Finally, you’ll be caught with the wonderful actors Lesley Sharp, Steve Edge, John Dagleishin the role of desconocido, desconocido, desconocido.

Opinions and critics of the series Starlings

Arthur, who has seen all the Netflix series, tells us:

Hello staff, congratulations for being there every day, I’ve been writing to you for a relatively short time. If this has been the end of the chapter it is a good anime, hopefully for more chapters to be broadcast.

Would you like being the first to know everything about the series? That’s what we’re here for we’ll help you. Leave us your email and we’ll send you any news in seconds. Stay updated!

    Questions of Starlings that we have received

    Agnes, who is 22 years old, asks FS:

    Good morning to the readers, thank you for creating so much content, I’ve visit you for a short time. Please, do you have any recommandations for TV series by the same creator of Starlings. Tell me TV series that are premiering a new season.

    Andrew, who loves anime and TV shows, is going to tell us:

    Good evening everyone, thank you for the work done, I’ve been writing to you forever. I would like to know some TV series that are premiering a new season. Will Starlings have a new season?

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