The Mystery of Edwin Drood (TV series): Info, opinions and more

We present The Mystery of Edwin Drood: This is a series with release date in the year 2012 that makes its appearance with its season 1 making a great impression. The name in the OV of this TV show is identical to the one in USA and UK, ‘The Mystery of Edwin Drood’.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

We know it’s complicated, like so many other things in life, to catalogue series or films, but there has been selected several genres for it: Mystery, Thriller, Drama, History.

Without further ado, we give you the characters, the synopsis and everything you’re looking for about the series that has nothing less than a note of de 6.7 on the famous IMDB website.

The Mystery of Edwin Drood series: Synopsis

Here you have the synopsis:

Choirmaster John Jasper is obsessed with his nephew’s fiancé. Will he take his opportunity to get rid of Edwin Drood?

The Mystery of Edwin Drood: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this frenetic story appear awesome actors : Ian McNeice, Matthew Rhys or Freddie Fox.

Playing the role of our main character (desconocido) we’ve Ian McNeice.
Thus, we’ve more actors that appear repeatedly, they’re: Matthew Rhys and Freddie Fox, acting as John Jasper and Edwin Drood respectively. They’ll surely fascinate you!

Opinions and critics of the series The Mystery of Edwin Drood

Elizabeth, who is 30 years old, asks us:

Very good morning series obsessed, my sincere congratulations really for everything, I’ve been on the web for months. If this has been the end of the season it is a good anime, I will wait another similar anime release soon.

Dylan, who loves anime, asks FS:

Very good morning Netflix subscribers, I’m forever grateful for being always, I’ve been in since January. If that’s the outcome of the TV series don’t leave a good impression on me, I will wait for more chapters to be broadcast.

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    Questions of The Mystery of Edwin Drood that we have received

    Agnes, who loves manga, asks:

    Hello content creators, my sincere thanks for creating so much content, I’ve visit you since January. Will The Mystery of Edwin Drood have a new season? When is the premiere date of the upcoming season on Disney Plus?

    Daniel, who is 18 years old, tells us:

    Very good morning content creators, thank you for always being there, I’ve been on the web for a long time. Will the series come back for another season on Disney Plus? Who is the director?

    Liam, who loves the protagonist of the TV series, is going to ask us:

    Good afternoon series obsessed, my congratulations for everything, I’ve been in for a short time. Will this series renew for another season on HBO? Whose music is it?

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