Los protegidos Season 4 Premiere Date on Netflix

Will we see a season 4 of Los protegidos? Will Los protegidos release an s4? What is the premiere date of Los protegidos season 4?

We are aware that you’re mesmerized by Los protegidos, which would be normal if we have seen the cast or the excellent argument, that is why you may be wondering if Los protegidos will just have a s4 or if, even if we don’t like it, we won’t see it again. Los protegidos is a series that a lot of people enjoy, especially those who are fans of the genres of comedy and action, being launched in 2010.

A sexy female rookie, Newblood, has joined Cloth’s team. At her first crime scene the team discover the body of Cloth’s Brother, Terry Cloth, Cloth traces Terry’s past back to a remote therapy centre, “The Healery”, but Cloth belives this is a cult and suspects Vull, the sinister leader, of murdering his brother.

Whilst Vull is being questioned down the station, another shooting occurs in the City of Town. And a case that was already uncomfortably personal for Cloth becomes personaler as he discovers the next victim is an ex-girlfriend. There is a serial killer hunting down people who have a personal connection to Cloth meaning Oldman’s life is in danger. Can Cloth save Oldman? Can Cloth save himself?

The series, without any doubts, has a cast that will blow your mind: Antonio Garrido, Marta Torné, Ana Fernández, Luis Fernández, Mario Marzo and Priscilla Delgado, as our characters: Mario Montero, Julia Redondo, Sandra Olaiz, Culebra Izquierdo, Lucas López and Lucía Expósito; respectively.

The preceding was definitely quite contentious and gave much to comment on platforms such as Instagram or Twitter. Since its popularity has been accentuated for this reason, season 4 will deal with those topics.

Will we in the near future see a fourth season of the series or not? Do we know anything about the release date of a season 4 of the series? Will its premiere be on Netflix or will it be on other platforms?

You can watch the TV show on the following platforms: Netflix. For the time being, there are gossips that they are going to say the release date of the fourth season soon. In case we have another season, it will probably be before anywhere else on the main platform Netflix.
For that reason, it is worth it to pay attention to all the news because we will update it as soon as it’s known. Just remember that you also have our calendar to keep you up to date with the latest release dates.Los protegidos premiere of season 4

The plot of s4 is yet to be determined and can give us many surprises, cause the end of the current season left quite a lot of characters with strong possibilities.

Likewise, there seems to be no signs that it will be cancelled, so for sure it will continue to take full advantage of the series with new episodes, related products or maybe making a movie about this topic.

Stop looking! Don’t worry, send an e-mail so we can notify you as soon as we know it.

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    Camila, who loves Amazon Prime Video, asks us:

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