White Dragon (TV show): Information and opinions

White Dragon: This is a TV show released the year 2018 that is already in its second season and continues to maintain its quality. The name in the OV of this TV show is unchanged with respect to the one in USA and UK, ‘White Dragon’.

White Dragon

We know it’s something complicated, like so many other things in life, to categorize series, but we’ve chosen these genres for it: Drama, Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Comedy, Romance.

Finally, we give way to the synopsis, the characters and everything you need about this TV series that has nothing less than a 6.4 on IMDB.

White Dragon (TV series): Synopsis

We give you the synopsis of the TV show:

A sheltered London professor attempts to uncover the cause of his wife’s mysterious death in Hong Kong, traveling there after discovering she died in a car accident on the mountain roads of Tai Po.

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Actors and characters

In this amazing story appear very good actors as for example: John Simm, Anthony Wong, Katie Leung, Anthony Hayes.

In the role of our star character (Jonah Mulray) we’ve John Simm.
Then you’ve more actors that appear repeatedly, are: Anthony Wong and Katie Leung, in the role of David Chen and Lau Chen respectively. They’ll fascinate you! And finally, you’ll be hooked the performance of Anthony Hayes, Tom Wu, Thomas Chaanhingin the role of Michael Cohen, Daniel Tsui, Felix Chong.

Opinions and critics of the TV show White Dragon

Nicholas, who is 34 years old, wants to ask us:

Good evening everyone, my congratulations for being there every day, I read you for months. I want to leave a message for those of you who have started to watch it, I give you a warning: Wait a while because you will go crazy in half.

Do you need to be aware to know everything about this TV show? It’s Ok leave it to us. Enter your email and we’ll send you all the updates instantly. We take care of it!

    Questions of White Dragon that we have received

    Astrid, who is 15 years old, means:

    Good afternoon series obsessed, congratulations for the work done, I’ve been writing to you for a relatively short time. Will White Dragon renew for another season? Will we see new season of White Dragon ?

    Jake, who only watches TV shows if they are in the original version with subtitles, means:

    Good afternoon staff, I give you my most sincere congratulations for the work done, I read you recently. Any suggestions for shows by the same creator of White Dragon. Whose music is it?

    Daniel, who loves crime TV shows, tells us:

    Good evening FS, my congratulations for always being there, I’ve been in since relatively recently. Who are the actors? Who is the director?

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