Zombie Detective (TV show): Information and opinions

We present Zombie Detective: It’s about a TV show of the year 2020 that appears with its season 1 making a great impression. The name of the original version of the TV show is the same as the version in English: ‘Zombie Detective’.

Zombie Detective

Although it’s complicated, like everything in life, to classify series, but there has been selected these genres to classify it: Science-Fiction, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy.

But enough of the chat, we give way to the synopsis, the characters and everything you need to know about this TV show that has nothing less than a de 7.3 on the famous IMDB website.

Zombie Detective (TV series): Synopsis

We give you the synopsis:

Kim Moo-Young has been a zombie for the past 2 years. To survive, he has mimicked the mannerisms of humans in a village. He then leaves for the city.
There, Kim Moo-Young opens an office to work as a private detective. He does not remember anything before he became a zombie. He struggles to live with humans and to regain his past memory.
Meanwhile, Kong Sun-Ji used to be a writer of a current affairs complaint program. A witness in a case, she was working on, was attacked by an unknown man. Due to that, she quit her job.
She becomes involved with Kim Moo-Young and takes a part-time position at his private detective office.

Zombie Detective: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this amazing TV series we’ve very good actors and actresses such as: Choi Jin-hyuk, Park Ju-hyun, Hwang Bo-ra, Kwon Hwa-woon.

Playing the role of our main character (Kim Moo-Young) it has Choi Jin-hyuk.
On the other hand, there are several that appear a lot, they’re: Park Ju-hyun and Hwang Bo-ra, acting as Kong Sun-Ji and Gong Sun-Young respectively. They will for sure fascinate you! Finally, you’ll be caught with the wonderful actors Kwon Hwa-woon, Ahn Se-ha, Tae Hang-hoin the role of Cha Do Hyun, Lee Tae-Kyun, Lee Sung-Rok.

Opinions and critics of the TV show Zombie Detective

Hunter, who can’t wait to watch the new season, asks the question:

Greetings FS, my sincere congratulations for creating so much content, I’ve visit you not long ago. I don’t pretend to seem a bit pedantic, but it doesn’t make sense. Every minute is confusing nonsense without further deciphering.

George, who is 29 years old, asks FiebreSeries:

Good morning TV series fans, my sincere congratulations for creating so much content, I’ve been in for a short time. If it really has been the outcome of the TV serie I didn’t like it too much, hopefully another chapter will come.

How about to be aware of the news of this TV series? No problem, we’ll help you. Enter your email and we’ll send you any news without fail. Don’t wait more!

    Questions of Zombie Detective that we have received

    Chanel, who loves HBO, asks FS:

    Hello FS, I give you my most sincere congratulations really for everything, I read you since relatively recently. What will be the cast of Zombie Detective? What is the director of Zombie Detective?

    Brendan, who loves series and manga, tells us:

    Hello TV series fans, my sincere thanks for creating so much content, I’ve been writing to you for a short time. Will this TV show come back for another season on Amazon? Whose music is it?

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