Houdini (TV series): Info, opinions and more

Houdini: This is a series from2014 that is released with the first season and a good review. The name in the OV of this series is unchanged with respect to its version in USA and UK, ‘Houdini’.


It’s always complicated, like everything in life, to categorize series or films, but there has been selected the following genres for it: Drama.

Without going off on a tangent, we present the opinions of our users, the synopsis and absolutely everything you need to know about this wonderful series that has nothing less than a de 7.3 on the famous IMDB website.

Houdini: Synopsis

We give you the plot of the series:

Harry Houdini emerges as America’s first bonafide world-renowned superstar.

Houdini: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this incredible series we’ve very good actors as for example: Adrien Brody, Kristen Connolly, Evan Jones, Tim Pigott-Smith.

Playing the role of our protagonist (Harry Houdini) we’re pleassed to have Adrien Brody.
Then you’ve many other actors very close to the protagonist, like: Kristen Connolly and Evan Jones, acting as Bess Houdini and Jim Collins respectively. They will enchant you! And finally, we’ll enjoy the performance of Tim Pigott-Smith, Tom Benedict Knight, Shaun Williamsonplaying William Melville, Dash Houdini, Reilly.

Opinions and critics of the series Houdini

Nicholas, who loves to dress up as the protagonist of the series, is going to ask us:

Greetings series obsessed, my congratulations for being always, I’ve been in for months. Message for those of you who have started to watch it, I am going to give you a tip: Let the plot unfold because the best comes to the half.

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    Questions of Houdini that we have received

    Brittany, who is 25 years old, tells us:

    Hello FS, my sincere thanks for the work done, I’ve been visiting you since January. When will be the release date of the next season on Amazon? Will it be the premirere on Netflix?

    Hunter, who dreams of series, tells us:

    Greetings everyone, my congratulations really for everything, I read you since relatively recently. Who are the actors? Whose music is it?

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