LEGO Legends of Chima (TV series): Info, opinions and more

LEGO Legends of Chima: It’s about a series with release date in the year 2013 that is already in its season 3 and keeps its quality intact. The name of the OV of this TV series is identical to the one in English: ‘LEGO Legends of Chima’.

LEGO Legends of Chima

Although it’s always convoluted, like everything in life, to catalogue series or films, but we’ve several genres for it: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Kids, Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Made in Europe.

Enough of preliminaries, we present the synopsis, opinions and everything you need about the series that has nothing less than a note of de 5.9 on the famous IMDB website.

LEGO Legends of Chima: Synopsis

We present the synopsis of the series:

Laval the Lion and Cragger the Crocodile are best friends who live in the mystical land of Chima. This all changes after an innocent escapade when Cragger gets his first experience with chi, a sacred resource important to Chima’s delicate balance which gives its user awesome power.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this series we’ve awesome actors as for example: David Attar, Bethany Brown or Bill Courage.

Playing our star character (Cragger / Lennox / Rogon / Ripnik / Reegull / Stealthor) there’s nothing less than David Attar.
Then you’ve many other actors that you must be tired of seeing, are: Bethany Brown and Bill Courage, playing Eris / Crooler / Spinlyn / Rinona / Wonald and Crominus / Lagravis / Long tooth / Lavertus / Mottrot respectively. They will captivate you! Finally, you’ll be hooked with the excellent actors Scott Shantz, Jeff Evans-Todd, Michael Patricin the role of Laval / Worriz / Skinnet / Furtivo / Razcal / Sparratus / Scolder / Scutter / Lundor / Vardy / Firox, Razar / Bladvic / Crawley / Winzar / Leonidas / Equila / Ewald, Gorzan / Scorm / Mungus / Voom Voom / Eglor.

Opinions and critics of the series LEGO Legends of Chima

Hannah, who has seen all the Netflix series, asks the question:

Hello to the readers, I’m grateful to you really for everything, I’ve visit you for a short time. If it really is the outcome of the TV serie it is a good anime, I hope more episodes to be released.

Tiffany, who loves Amazon Prime Video, is going to tell us:

Greetings movie fans, I’m grateful to you on the web, I’ve visit you for a long time. I don’t lie, it supposes me a lot to believe the personality of the main character, I cannot empathize with him or with anyone else.

Do you want to be the first to know everything about this TV series? No problem, leave it to us. Leave us your email and we’ll send you any news without fail. Don’t wait more!

    Questions of LEGO Legends of Chima that we have received

    Brittany, who is 29 years old, asks us:

    Hello content creators, congratulations for creating so much content, I’ve been visiting you since January. Whose music is it? What will be the cast of LEGO Legends of Chima?

    Ella, who is 22 years old, asks us:

    Greetings TV series fans, I’m forever grateful on the web, I’ve been writing to you for months. What will be the cast of LEGO Legends of Chima? I would like to know series that premiere a new season.

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