Stargate Universe (TV series): Info, opinions and more

Stargate Universe: This is a series released the year 2009 that is already in its season 2 and still in action. The name of the original version of this TV show is equal to the version in USA and UK, ‘Stargate Universe’.

Stargate Universe

It’s always complicated, like everything in life, to catalogue TV series or films, but we’ve chosen some genres to classify it: Science-Fiction, Drama.

But enough of the chat, we show you the synopsis, the opnions of our readers and everything you need about this TV series that has nothing less than the note of de 7.7 on IMDB.

Stargate Universe: Synopsis

We give you the synopsis:

The adventures of a present-day, multinational exploration team traveling on the Ancient spaceship Destiny many billions of light years distant from the Milky Way Galaxy. They evacuated there and are now trying to figure out a way to return to Earth, while simultaneously trying to explore and to survive in their unknown area of the universe.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this incredible series appear very good actors such as: Robert Carlyle, Louis Ferreira, Brian J. Smith, Elyse Levesque.

Playing the role of our main character (Nicholas Rush) we’ve Robert Carlyle.
Thus, there are several that appear repeatedly, such as: Louis Ferreira and Brian J. Smith, playing Everett Young and Matthew Scott respectively. They’ll enchant you! And finally, enjoy the greats of acting Elyse Levesque, David Blue, Alaina Huffmanacting as Chloe Armstrong, Eli Wallace, Tamara Johansen.

Opinions and critics of the series Stargate Universe

Hunter, who has seen all the Netflix series, wants to tell us:

Greetings TV series fans, I give you my most sincere congratulations for being always, I’ve been visiting you since January. As I say it, it supposes me horrors to accept the way of acting of the antagonist, I don’t even fit in with him or with anyone.

Do you want to be the first to know everything about this TV series? That’s what we’re here for we’ll help you. Leave us your e-mail and we’ll send you all the news without fail. Don’t wait more!

    Questions of Stargate Universe that we have received

    Nicholas, who loves documentary series, wants to tell us:

    Hello to the readers, thank you very much really for everything, I read you forever. Quelle est la série? Do you have any suggestions for shows by the same director of Stargate Universe.

    Adele, who likes to stay at home quietly and watch a series, asks FS:

    Good evening FiebreSeries, congratulations for the work done, I’ve been visiting you for a relatively short time. Will we see the last season ofthe series going to be released next year? Is it going to premiere on Netflix ?

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