The Lorenskog Disappearance (TV show): Info, opinions and more

We present The Lorenskog Disappearance: This is a TV show that has been released the year 2022 that is released with a first season and promising results. The name in the OV of the TV show is equal to the version in English: ‘The Lorenskog Disappearance’.

The Lorenskog Disappearance

It’s obviously something delicate, like everything in life, to catalogue TV shows or films, but we’ve these genres for it: Drama, Crime, Documentary.

And finally, we give way to the synopsis, characters, opinions and everything you need to know about this wonderful show that has nothing less than a de 6.1 on IMDB.

The Lorenskog Disappearance (TV show): Synopsis

Here you have the synopsis of the series:

When a billionaire’s wife vanishes, Norwegian police must deal with the frenzied press and deceitful informants to find the truth.

The Lorenskog Disappearance: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this fabulous show appear very good actors and actresses such as: Yngvild Støen Grotmol -2- Henrik Rafaelsen -3- Christian Rubeck -4- Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye, Henrik Rafaelsen -3- Christian Rubeck -4- Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye, Christian Rubeck -4- Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye, Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye.

Playing the role of our main character (Yngvild Støen Grotmol) we’re pleassed to have Yngvild Støen Grotmol -2- Henrik Rafaelsen -3- Christian Rubeck -4- Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye.
In addition, there are other actors recurring actors, such as: Henrik Rafaelsen -3- Christian Rubeck -4- Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye and Christian Rubeck -4- Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye, playing Henrik Rafaelsen and Christian Rubeck respectively. They will for sure captivate you! Finally, enjoy with the actors Victoria Ose -5- Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye, Kidane Gjølme Dalva -6- Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebye, Terje Strømdahl -7- Hermann Sabado -8- Glenn André Kaada -9- Roar Kjølv Jenssen -10- Kjersti Dalseide -11- Helene Bjørnebyeplaying Victoria Ose, Kidane Gjølme Dalva, Terje Strømdahl.

Opinions and critics of the TV show The Lorenskog Disappearance

Agnes, who is 32 years old, tells us:

Greetings FiebreSeries, my sincere congratulations for the work done, I’ve been in not long ago. I don’t lie, It’s very difficult for me to understand the way of acting of the protagonist, I can’t fit in with him or with the others characters.

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    Questions of The Lorenskog Disappearance that we have received

    Kate, who loves the blanket and TV series, is going to tell us:

    Greetings series obsessed, thank you very much on the web, I read you for a short time. Will more seasons have a new season? When will be the premiere date of the upcoming season on Amazon?

    Nancy, who is 26 years old, asks us:

    Very good morning to the readers, thank you on the web, I’ve been writing to you since January. What is the cast of The Lorenskog Disappearance? Will this TV show come back for another season on Disney Plus?

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