Unprecedented (TV show): Info, opinions and more

Unprecedented: It’s about a TV show from the year 2022 that makes its appearance with its season 1 and many comment. The title of the OV of this TV show is identical to its version in English: ‘Unprecedented’.


It’s always risky, like so many other things in life, to classify series, but we’ve these genres for it: Documentary.

And finally, we show you the synopsis and everything you need about this wonderful TV show that has nothing less than a note of de 5.9 on the prestigious IMDB.

Unprecedented (TV show): Synopsis

We present the plot:

An exclusive look into the lives and actions of Donald Trump and the first family as they navigate his 2020 re-election campaign. Witness the raw, behind-the-scenes footage, including the last interview given by Trump as president.

Unprecedented: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this frenetic story we’ve very good actors and actresses : Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner.

Playing our star character (Self) the TV show has Donald Trump.
Then you’ve many other actors that appear a lot, are: Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, playing Self and Self respectively. They’ll enchant you!

Opinions and critics of the TV show Unprecedented

Unfortunately, the opinions aren’t in our hands at the moment, but it’ll be soon!

How about being the first to know everything that has to do with Unprecedented? No problem, we’ll help you. Leave us your email and we’ll send you all the news in seconds. We take care of it!

    Questions of Unprecedented that we have received

    Amber, who is 19 years old, is going to tell us:

    Greetings staff, my sincere congratulations for creating so much content, I’ve visit you forever. Who are the actors? Who are the actors?

    Danielle, who only watches TV shows in VO, asks us:

    Greetings Netflix subscribers, my congratulations for the work done, I’ve been visiting you forever. I’m looking for series that are premiering another season. Does the show come back for another season?

    Amber, who loves action TV series, asks the question:

    Good afternoon everyone, my sincere thanks for being always, I’ve been writing to you for a long time. When will be the release date of the next season on Disney Plus? Is it going to premiere on Netflix ?

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