No Activity (TV show): Information and opinions

No Activity: It’s about a TV show from the year 2015 that is already in its second season and keeps its level intact. The title of the original version of our series is exactly identical to its version in English: ‘No Activity’.

No Activity

It’s obviously something delicate, like so many other things in life, to categorize the TV shows, but we’ve chosen these genres to classify it: Comedy, Crime.

Without further delay, we give way to the synopsis and everything you need about the show that has nothing less than a de 7.8 on the prestigious IMDB.

No Activity (TV show): Synopsis

We give you the synopsis:

The nightly exploits of our boys and girls in blue, and their shady criminal counterparts, through an unfolding kidnapping investigation. Truth is, being a cop or a crook is nowhere near as exciting as Hollywood would have us believe. Long nights with nothing to do but watch and wait, and spin a yarn or two…
or, in the case of these over-caffeinated, sleep-deprived souls, share way too much information about themselves, opine on matters far beyond their qualifications, and discuss topics that most would agree are strictly NSFW.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this story stand out very good actors and actresses : Patrick Brammall, Darren Gilshenan, Harriet Dyer and Genevieve Morris.

Playing the role of our main character (Detective Hendy) the TV show has Patrick Brammall.
In addition, we’ve more actors that appear a lot, such as: Darren Gilshenan and Harriet Dyer, acting as Detective Stokes and April respectively. They’ll surely enchant you!

Opinions and critics of the TV show No Activity

Justin, who loves Disney +, tells us:

Very good morning movie fans, my congratulations really for everything, I’ve visit you since relatively recently. I swear, it supposes me a lot to assume the way of being of the enemy, I don’t share anything with him or with others.

Connor, who loves adventure TV shows, asks FS:

Hello FiebreSeries, thank you for being there every day, I’ve been on the web recently. If it really has been the end of the show it is worth it, I hope for more chapters to be broadcast.

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    Questions of No Activity that we have received

    Jacob, who is 23 years old, wants to tell us:

    Greetings FS, thank you for the work done, I’ve visit you recently. Who are the actors? Who are the actors?

    William, who is 20 years old, tells us:

    Very good morning series obsessed, thank you for being there every day, I’ve been visiting you for a long time. Do you have any suggestions for TV series by the same director of No Activity. Does the show renew for another season on Netflix ?

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