Persons Unknown (TV show): Information and opinions

We present Persons Unknown: This is a TV show with release date in 2010 that appears with a first season leaving no one indifferent. The title of the original version of the series is equal to the one in English, ‘Persons Unknown’.

Persons Unknown

Although it’s always delicate, like so many other things in life, to categorize series, but there has been selected several genres for it: Drama, Mystery, Thriller.

Without further ado, we present the synopsis, opinions and everything you need to know about the series that has nothing less than the note of 6.8 on the IMDB page.

Persons Unknown (TV show): Synopsis

Here you have the argument of the TV show:

A group of strangers must come together to solve the puzzle of their lives.

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Actors and characters

In this story play great actors as for example: Tina Holmes, Kate Lang Johnson, Lola Glaudini, Jason Wiles.

In the main role of our protagonist (Moira Doherty) it has Tina Holmes.
Thus, we’ve more actors recurring actors, they’re: Kate Lang Johnson and Lola Glaudini, acting as Tori Fairchild and Kat Damatto respectively. They will enchant you! Finally, you’ll enjoy with the wonderful actors Jason Wiles, Alan Ruck, Gerald Kydplaying Joe Tucker, Charlie Morse, Mark Renbe.

Opinions and critics of the TV show Persons Unknown

Candance, who is 19 years old, wants to ask us:

Good afternoon content creators, congratulations for always being there, I’ve been on the web since January. The thing is that it supposes me horrors to believe the motivation of the main character, I don’t even fit in with him or with anyone.

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    Questions of Persons Unknown that we have received

    Anne / Annie, who loves VO movies, tells us:

    Hello content creators, thank you on the web, I’ve been visiting you since relatively recently. Please, do you have any suggestions for shows by the same creator of Persons Unknown. What is the cast of Persons Unknown?

    Elizabeth, who loves Netflix series, tells us:

    Good evening content creators, I’m forever grateful for creating so much content, I read you since you started. Who are the actors? What is the premiere date of the season?

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