Verdict (TV show): Information and opinions

Verdict: It’s about a TV show with release date in 2022 that makes its appearance with a first season making a great impression. The title of the original version of this TV series is exactly identical to its version in USA and UK, ‘Verdict’.


We know it’s something delicate, like so many other things in life, to catalogue series or films, but we’ve chosen several genres for it: Drama, Crime, Mystery, Thriller.

And without further delay, we show you the opinions of our users, the synopsis and everything you’re looking for about Verdict that has nothing less than a note of 6.2 on the reputed IMDB website.

Verdict (TV show): Synopsis

We give you the synopsis of the series:

When a renowned criminal lawyer sees one of the people she loves most become a victim of the Brazilian penitentiary system, she must decide whether to cross the line that separates her between looking for justice or committing an unforgivable crime.

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Actors and characters

In this frenetic story appear very good actors as for example: Camila Morgado, Fernando Alves Pinto, Victor Hugo Martins, Lena Roque.

Playing the role of our protagonist (Heloísa) the TV show has Camila Morgado.
On the other hand, there are other actors that you must be tired of seeing, they’re: Fernando Alves Pinto and Victor Hugo Martins, playing Pedro and Hugo respectively. They will for sure fascinate you! And finally, enjoy with the wonderful actors Lena Roque, Lucinha Lins -6- Arthur Kohl -7- Pedro Caetano, Arthur Kohl -7- Pedro Caetanoacting as Dinorah, Rogério, Rogério.

Opinions and critics of the TV show Verdict

Daphne, who loves fighting TV shows, wants to tell us:

Greetings FiebreSeries, my congratulations for being so useful, I’ve been writing to you not long ago. Confess that, at this moment, I’ve just started it but it looks like you freak out, it has to be said.

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    Questions of Verdict that we have received

    Charlize, who is 16 years old, asks FS:

    Very good morning staff, I’m forever grateful for being there every day, I’ve been on the web for months. Will Verdict have a new season? Will we see this new season ofthis TV show going to be released next year?

    Brendan, that his only hobby is watching series, asks FiebreSeries:

    Hello movie fans, I’m grateful to you for being so useful, I’ve been on the web for a short time. Will the TV show renew for another season on Netflix? Is it going to be released on Amazon?

    Albert, who loves action TV series, tells us:

    Greetings Netflix subscribers, my congratulations for everything, I read you for a short time. When is the premiere date of the upcoming season on Disney Plus? Will the series have a new season?

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