Wrong Side of the Tracks (TV show): Information and opinions

We present Wrong Side of the Tracks: This is a TV show with release date in 2021 that is in its season 2 and continues to be a benchmark for quality. The title of the OV of this TV show is the same as the one in English, ‘Wrong Side of the Tracks’.

Wrong Side of the Tracks

We know it’s something delicate, like so many other things in life, to categorize series or films, but we’ve chosen these genres for it: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Action, Adventure.

And finally, we give you the opinions of our users, the synopsis and everything you’e looking for the current series that has nothing less than the note of de 6.7 on IMDB.

Wrong Side of the Tracks (TV series): Synopsis

We give you the plot:

When his teenage granddaughter falls victim to the drug dealers overtaking his neighborhood, a fed-up war veteran takes matters into his own hands.

Wrong Side of the Tracks: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this series stand out spectacular actors such as: Jose Coronado, Luis Zahera, Nona Sobo, Felipe Londoño.

In the role of our main character (Tirso Abantos) we’ve Jose Coronado.
Then you’ve more actors that appear repeatedly, are: Luis Zahera and Nona Sobo, acting as Ezequel and Irene respectively. They will captivate you! Finally, enjoy the performance of Felipe Londoño, Laura Ramos, Manuel Tallaféacting as Nelson, Gladys, Pepe.

Opinions and critics of the TV show Wrong Side of the Tracks

Benjamin, who loves the blanket and movies, asks:

Good morning everyone, my sincere thanks for being there every day, I’ve been on the web forever. I have to say that, at the moment, I’ve only seen the beginning but it seems pretty good to me, I have no evidence but no doubts.

Andrew, who loves series, anime and manga, asks FS:

Hello Netflix subscribers, thank you very much for being there every day, I’ve been visiting you recently. I don’t want to sound a bit fussy, but it’s an absolute nonsense. Everything is confusing nonsense with no background.

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    Questions of Wrong Side of the Tracks that we have received

    Kate, who loves the protagonist of the TV shows, tells us:

    Good morning staff, congratulations for being always, I’ve visit you since you started. What will be the release date of the next season on HBO? Does this series come back for another season?

    Howard, who only watches TV shows in VO, tells us:

    Very good morning TV series fans, my sincere congratulations for being there every day, I’ve visit you forever. I would like to know some shows that will premiere another season. Can I watch it on Netflix?

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