Harry Wild (TV series): Info, opinions and more

Harry Wild: It’s about a series with release date in 2022 that appears with its first season and a good review. The name of the OV of this TV series is the same as the one in USA and UK, ‘Harry Wild’.

Harry Wild

We know it’s difficult, like everything in life, to categorize series or films, but we’ve several genres to classify it: Crime, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Thriller.

And finally, we show you the opinions of our users, the synopsis and absolutely everything you need to know about the current series that has nothing less than a note of de 7.2 on the famous IMDB website.

Harry Wild series: Synopsis

Here you have the plot:

A recently retired English professor discovers a real knack for investigation and cannot help but interfere with the cases assigned to her police detective son.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this amazing TV series we find very good actors as for example: Jane Seymour, Kevin Ryan, Rohan Nedd, Ciara O’Callaghan.

Playing the role of our protagonist (Harry Wild) we’ve Jane Seymour.
Thus, we’ve more actors very close to the protagonist, are: Kevin Ryan and Rohan Nedd, acting as Charlie Wild and Fergus Reid respectively. They will for sure trick you! And finally, we’ll enjoy with the wonderful actors Ciara O’Callaghan, Stuart Graham, Anthony Delaneyacting as Vivan Maynard Thackeray, as Ray Tiernan, as Jordan MacDonald.

Opinions and critics of the series Harry Wild

Brittany, who is 29 years old, is going to ask us:

Hello TV series fans, thank you for being there every day, I read you since you started. I have to confess that, right now, I’ve just started it but it looks bad, my instinct has never failed me.

Do you want to be aware to know everything that has to do with the series? No problem, leave it to us. Enter your mail and we’ll send you all the news within seconds. Without further delay!

    Questions of Harry Wild that we have received

    Ethan, who is 38 years old,, means:

    Hello FS, I give you my most sincere congratulations for being always, I’ve been writing to you not long ago. Will we have new season of Harry Wild going to be released in 2022? Does this TV series renew for another season on Netflix?

    Ethan, who only watches TV series in VO, indicates us:

    Good morning series obsessed, my sincere thanks for the work done, I’ve been on the web recently. Does this series renew for another season? Can it be watch on HBO?

    Harvey, who loves manga, tells us:

    Hello Netflix subscribers, my sincere congratulations for always being there, I read you for months. What is the director of Harry Wild? When is the release date of the season on HBO?

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