The Allegation (TV series): Info, opinions and more

We present The Allegation: This is a series that was released the year 2021 that appears with the first season generating many different opinions. The title of the OV of the TV series is equal to the version in English: ‘The Allegation’.

The Allegation

It’s always delicate, like everything, to classify series, but we’ve the following genres to classify it: Drama.

Finally, we present the synopsis, the characters and everything you’e looking for this TV series that has nothing less than a note of 8.0 on the largest web of series and films.

The Allegation series: Synopsis

Here you have the synopsis of the series:

In the small German town of Ottern, a pediatrician diagnoses “chronic sexual abuse”, while examining a young girl, setting events in motion that lead to a judicial scandal of devastating proportions.

The Allegation: Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this amazing TV series appear very good actors and actresses as for example: Peter Kurth, Narges Rashidi, Sebastian Urzendowsky, Désirée Nosbusch.

Playing the role of our star character (Rechtanwalt Dr. Richard Schlesinger) we’ve Peter Kurth.
On the other hand, there are several that you must be tired of seeing, such as: Narges Rashidi and Sebastian Urzendowsky, in the role of Azra and Staatsanwalt Cordelis respectively. They will captivate you! Finally, you’ll enjoy with the excellent actors Désirée Nosbusch, Michael Pink, Katharina M. Schubertplaying Hauptkommissarin Laubach, Angeklagter Ernesto Perez, Kinderschützerin Ina Reuth.

Opinions and critics of the series The Allegation

We’re very sorry to tell you that opinions are not available at the moment, nothing happens we’ll not take long to put it!

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    Questions of The Allegation that we have received

    Ella, who is 35 years old,, tells us:

    Hello content creators, thank you very much for being there every day, I’ve been on the web since relatively recently. Who are the actors? Will we see new season of this TV series going to be released next year?

    Tiffany, who loves series, anime and manga, is going to ask us:

    Good morning Netflix subscribers, thank you for creating so much content, I read you since relatively recently. Will we see new season of this TV series this year? Will we have new season of The Allegation going to be released next year?

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