Unit 42 (TV series): Info, opinions and more

We present Unit 42: It’s about a series from the year 2017 that is in its second season and keeps its quality intact. The title in the OV of the TV series is identical to the version in English: ‘Unit 42’.

Unit 42

I know it’s risky, like everything, to catalogue series or films, but we’ve chosen these genres to classify it: Drama, Crime, Mystery, Thriller, Made in Europe.

Without further ado, we show you the opinions of our users, the synopsis and absolutely everything you need to know about this TV series that has nothing less than a 6.9 on the prestigious IMDB page.

Unit 42 series: Synopsis

Here you have the synopsis of the series:

The investigations of two police officers from The Brussels Digital Unit, a unit specializing in cybercrime.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

In this fabulous series play very good actors as for example: Patrick Ridremont, Constance Gay, Roda Fawaz, Tom Audenaert.

Playing the role of our star character (Sam Leroy) we’ve Patrick Ridremont.
Then you’ve many other actors recurring actors, like: Constance Gay and Roda Fawaz, playing Billie Webber and Nassim Khaoulani respectively. They will captivate you! And finally, you’ll enjoy with the excellent actors Tom Audenaert, Danitza Athanassiadis, Hélène Theunissenin the role of Robert ‘Bob’ Franck, Alice Meerks, Hélène Janssen.

Opinions and critics of the series Unit 42

Simone, who is 23 years old, asks FS:

Hello Netflix subscribers, congratulations for being there every day, I’ve been in forever. Message for those of you who start to watch it, I give you some advice: Take it easy because it turns red hot.

Would you like to be aware of all the news of the series? No problem, we take care of it. Enter your mail and we’ll send you any updates without fail. Don’t wait more!

    Questions of Unit 42 that we have received

    Kim, who loves teen series, is going to ask us:

    Good morning to the readers, I’m forever grateful for creating so much content, I’ve visit you not long ago. Will the TV series come back for another season? Can I watch it on Amazon?

    George, who loves Netflix series, wants to tell us:

    Greetings everyone, thank you very much on the web, I’ve been visiting you for a relatively short time. Does the TV series come back for another season on Disney Plus? Please tell me series that are premiering a new season.

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