Persons Unknown (TV show): Info, opinions and more

We present Persons Unknown: It’s about a TV show that has been released the year 2010 that makes its appearance with the first season in style. The title of the original version of this TV series is exactly the same as its version in USA and UK, ‘Persons Unknown’.

Persons Unknown

Although it’s something complicated, like everything, to catalogue TV shows or films, but there has been selected some genres for it: Drama, Mystery, Thriller.

Without further delay, we show you the opinions of our users, the synopsis and everything you need to know about this TV show that has nothing less than the note of 6.8 on the largest web of TV shows and films.

Persons Unknown (TV show): Synopsis

We present the argument of the TV show:

A group of strangers must come together to solve the puzzle of their lives.

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Actors and characters

In this frenetic story we’ve great actors such as: Tina Holmes, Kate Lang Johnson, Lola Glaudini, Jason Wiles.

In the main role of our main character (Moira Doherty) we’re pleassed to have Tina Holmes.
On the other hand, there are other actors that appear a lot, they’ll be: Kate Lang Johnson and Lola Glaudini, in the role of Tori Fairchild and Kat Damatto respectively. They will enchant you! Finally, we’ll enjoy the greats of acting Jason Wiles, Alan Ruck, Gerald Kydplaying Joe Tucker, Charlie Morse, Mark Renbe.

Opinions and critics of the TV show Persons Unknown

Ian, who loves comedy TV shows, wants to ask us:

Hello to the readers, my sincere thanks on the web, I’ve been visiting you since January. If it really is the end of the TV serie it is not worth much, hopefully another chapter will come.

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    Questions of Persons Unknown that we have received

    Henry, who is 39 years old,, tells us:

    Hello staff, thank you very much for being there every day, I’ve been on the web for a short time. Whose music is it? What will be the premiere date of the season?

    Marilyn, who is 18 years old, tells us:

    Hello to the readers, I’m forever grateful for being so useful, I’ve been writing to you for months. Is it going to premiere on Amazon? Whose music is it?

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