Sex Sent Me to the ER (TV show): Info, opinions and more

Sex Sent Me to the ER: This is a TV show released the year 2013 that is already in its season 4 and keeps its level intact. The name of the OV of the show is identical to its version in English, ‘Sex Sent Me to the ER’.

Sex Sent Me to the ER

We know it’s delicate, like everything, to catalogue the series, but there has been selected the following genres for it: Documentary, Comedy, Drama.

Finally, we give way to the opinions of our readers, the synopsis and everything you’re looking for about this TV show that has nothing less than the note of 5.1 on the largest web of series and films.

Sex Sent Me to the ER (TV series): Synopsis

We give you the synopsis of the series:

Sex in a tree? A quickie in the closet? Laundry room relations? These are just a few of the out-of-the-ordinary places where amorous adventurers go to get intimate with their other halves. But few people expect to land themselves in the emergency room as a result! Brought to life for Discovery Fit & Health by GRB Entertainment, the production company behind the hit show UNTOLD STORIES OF THE ER, this all-new series documents the real-life and often hilarious stories of what happens when a little action leads to a medical crisis. Retold by emergency room physicians and the actual couples who, in the heat of the moment, got themselves into a fix and needed a doctor to fix it, this series illustrates how loving couples cope when sex goes outrageously wrong.

Trailers and Videos

Actors and characters

We’re very sorry to tell you that the list of actors and characters is not in our hands at this time, don’t worry that it’ll be soon!

Opinions and critics of the TV show Sex Sent Me to the ER

Arthur, who is 40 years old,, asks the question:

Good afternoon Netflix subscribers, my sincere congratulations for being always, I’ve been on the web for a relatively short time. I do not want to seem a bit petulant, but it doesn’t make sense. Everything is insanity as is.

Do you need to be aware of all the news of this series? That’s what we’re here for leave it to us. Leave us your e-mail and we’ll send you all the news in seconds. We are your guide in the world of TV shows!

    Questions of Sex Sent Me to the ER that we have received

    Justin, who loves to dress up as the protagonist of the TV show, wants to tell us:

    Hello movie fans, my sincere thanks for creating quality content, I’ve been visiting you for a short time. What is the premiere date of the upcoming season on Netflix ? Can I watch it on Disney Plus?

    Daphne, who is 40 years old,, asks FS:

    Good evening staff, congratulations on the web, I’ve been in since you started. When is the premiere date of the season? Whose music is it?

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